Eliminate Early Extension In Your Golf Swing With This Drill

Eliminate Early Extension In Your Golf Swing With This Drill

In this video Krista shows us a great drill to work on to eliminate early extension and improve ball striking. The "chair drill" will help with keeping your lower body in the correct positions throughout the swing. When you keep a good posture, you are able to get the club in the correct positions and ultimately this will lead to better, more consistent ball striking. 




  • Focus on your hips - Think of your hips as a gate. In each part of the swing your hips need to be in certain positions.
  • Trail hip in backswing -Feel some pressure on your trail hip as you turn in your backswing
  • Hips in downswing -At impact you'll want your hips square to the chair behind you
  • Rotate through - As you rotate through after impact you will want to feel your lead him pressing against the chair. 
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